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2 Translation results for suit in Spanish

noun | verb

suit noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
pleito, litigio; traje (ropa); palo (de naipes)

Example sentences of
suit noun

  • He wore his gray suit to the job interview.
  • They filed a suit against the company that had manufactured the faulty heater, claiming they were responsible for the fire.

Synonyms of
suit noun

suit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
suited, has suited, is suiting, suits
adaptar; convenir a, ser apropiado a; favorecer, quedarle bien (a alguien); agradecer, satisfacer, convenirle bien (a alguien)

Example sentences of
suit verb

  • This kind of behavior hardly suits a person of your age.
  • She gave a serious speech that suited the occasion.
  • The formal furniture really suited the style of the house.
  • The job suits her very well.

Synonyms of
suit verb

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Related phrases for suit

Reverse translation for suit

pleito  - lawsuit, fight, argument, dispute 
litigio  - litigation, lawsuit 
traje  (ropa) - suit, dress, costume 
palo  (de naipes) - stick, pole, post, shaft, handle, mast, spar, wood, blow (with a stick), suit (of cards) 
adaptar  - to adapt, to adjust, to fit 
favorecer  - to favor, to look well on, to suit 
quedarle bien  (a alguien)
agradecer  - to be grateful for, to thank 
satisfacer  - to satisfy, to fulfill, to meet, to pay, to settle 
convenirle bien  (a alguien)